Тема: Проблемы с менеджером лицензий и Расшифровка Кодов ошибок

Уважаемые пользователи!

Если у вас возникли проблемы с менеджером лицензий, пожалуйста используйте следующую последовательность действий.

  • Внимательно прочитайте сообщение менеджера лицензий. Возможно у вас просто исчерпан лимит подключений или нет связи с сервером лицензий CSoft Development.

  • Если сообщение отсутствует, но есть код ошибки, поищите его среди приложенных ниже описаний. Возможно это подскажет вам путь решения проблемы.

  • Внимательно просмотрите лог файл менеджера лицензий, там содержится подробная информация о ходе его работы. По умолчанию лог файл находится в файле C:\Program Files\CSoft\CS License Server\flex.log или C:\Program Files (x86)\CSoft\CS License Server\flex.log для x64 ОС.

  • Если выше перечисленные шаги не помогли разобраться вам самостоятельно, отправьте запрос с подробным описание ошибки на адрес soft@csoft.ru не забыв приложить лог файл и файл лицензий.

С уважением, служба технической поддержки TechnologiCS.

Коды ошибок менеджера лицензий

Errors marked with an ‘*’ indicates errors which should not appear in shipping software. These are errors intended to help the programmer incorporate FLEXlm in their product, and should be fixed before shipping.
Errors marked with ‘+’ indicate errors due to an operating system failure.

Error Description

-1 Cannot find license file
-2 Invalid license file syntax
-3 No server for this feature
-4 Licensed number of users already reached
-5 No such feature exists
-6 No port number in license file and FLEXlm service does not exist [pre-v6only]
-7 No socket connection to license manager server
-8 Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
The license-key and data for the feature do no match.
This usually happens when a license file has been altered
-9 Invalid host.
The hostid of this system does not match the hostid
specified in the license file
-10 Feature has expired
-11 Invalid date format in license file
-12 Invalid returned data from license server
-13 No SERVER lines in license file
-14 Cannot find SERVER hostname in network database.
The lookup for the hostname on the SERVER line in the
license file failed. This often happens when NIS or DNS
or the hosts file is incorrect. Workaround: Use IP-Address
(e.g., 123.456.789.123) instead of hostname
-15 Cannot connect to license server.
The server (lmgrd) has not been started yet, or
the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the
port or hostname in the license file has been changed.
-16 Cannot read data from license server
-17 Cannot write data to license server
-18 License server does not support this feature
-19 Error in select system call
-20 [Obsolete]
-21 License file does not support this version
-22 Feature checkin failure detected at license server
-23 License server temporarily busy (new server connecting)
-24 Users are queued for this feature
-25 License server does not support this version of this feature
-26 Request for more licenses than this feature supports
-27 [Obsolete]
-28 [Obsolete]
-29 Cannot find ethernet device
-30 Cannot read license file
-31 Feature start date is in the future
-32 No such attribute
-33 Bad encryption handshake with daemon
-34 Clock difference too large between client and server
-35 In the queue for this feature
-36 Feature database corrupted in daemon
-37 Duplicate selection mismatch for this feature
-38 User/host on EXCLUDE list for feature
-39 User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature
-40 Cannot allocate dynamic memory
-41 Feature was never checked out
-42 Invalid parameter
-43 *No FLEXlm key data supplied in initializing call
-44 *Invalid FLEXlm key data supplied
-45 *FLEXlm function not available in this version
-46 [Obsolete]
-47 Clock setting check not available in daemon
-48 *FLEXlm platform not enabled
-49 *Date invalid for binary format
-50 *FLEXlm key data has expired
-51 *FLEXlm not initialized
-52 FLEXlm vendor daemon did not respond within timeout interval
-53 Checkout request rejected by vendor-defined checkout filter
-54 No FEATURESET line in license file
-55 Incorrect FEATURESET line in license file
-56 Cannot compute FEATURESET data from license file
-57 +socket() call failed
-58 [Obsolete]
-59 Message checksum failure
-60 Server message checksum failure
-61 Cannot read license file data from server
-62 Network software (tcp/ip) not available
-63 You are not a license administrator
-64 lmremove request before the minimum lmremove interval
-65 *Unknown VENDORCODE struct type passed to lm_init()
-66 *FLEXlm include file/library version mismatch
-67 [Obsolete]
-68 [Obsolete]
-69 [Obsolete]
-70 [Obsolete]
-71 Invalid TZ environment variable
-72 *Old VENDORCODE (3-word) struct type passed to lm_init()
-73 Local checkout filter rejected request
-74 Attempt to read beyond end of license file path
-75 +SYS$SETIMR call failed (VMS)
-76 Internal FLEXlm Error - Please report to Globetrotter Software
-77 Bad version number - must be floating point number, with no letters
-78 *FLEXadmin API functions not available
-79 FLEXlm internal error -79
-80 FLEXlm internal error -80
-81 FLEXlm internal error -81
-82 Invalid PACKAGE line in license file
-83 FLEXlm version of client newer than server
-84 USER_BASED license has no specified users -- see server log
-85 License server doesn’t support this request
-86 License object already in use (Java only)
-87 Checkout exceeds MAX specified in options file
-88 System clock has been set back
-89 This platform not authorized by license
-90 Future license file format or misspelling in license file.
The file was issued for a later version of FLEXlm than this
program understands.
-91 ENCRYPTION_SEEDs are non-unique
-92 feature removed during lmreread, or wrong SERVER line hostid
-93 This feature is available in a different license pool.
This is a warning condition. The server has pooled one or more
INCREMENT lines into a single pool, and the request was made on
an INCREMENT line that has been pooled.
-94 Attempt to generate license with incompatible attributes
-95 Network connect to THIS_HOST failed.
The license file indicates THIS_HOST, and the server is
not running on this host. If it’s running on a different host,
THIS_HOST should be changed to the correct host.
-96 Server node is down or not responding.
See the system administrator about starting the server, or make
sure the you’re referring to the right host (see LM_LICENSE_FILE).
-97 The desired vendor daemon is down.
1) Check the lmgrd log file, or 2) Try lmreread.
-98 This FEATURE line can’t be converted to decimal format
-99 The decimal format license is typed incorrectly
-100 Cannot remove a linger license
-101 All licenses are reserved for others.

The system administrator has reserved all the licenses for others. Reservations are made in the options file. The server must be restarted for options file changes to take effect.